25th aug'09
yesterday wasn't a good start...woke up and got all excited about the day..cuz' it was a special day...the day that we first got together =D haha...i got up, got all ready, went to bathe, prepare...lols..smsed DD that i woke up liao and he replied ok..did my make up, dressed and was ready to go...till DD smsed me and said he was in a bad mood =( i thought what had happened...must be about his dad or something...then, he called...he was crying...sighs..made my heart sank the moment i heard him cry...there were patches on his favourite belt...
met him at a later time but i was alright =D finally saw him on the bus =D his eyes were red...the look of him really is vulnerable =( heart really ached!!! then i tried to cheer him up...but i think i can't lols..cuz' he was still tearing...then we reached town..went to grab some donuts...then to catch this stupid show bruno!!!

it really sucked big time man...although there were some scenes that really made you laugh like hell...lols...but at the end of it all, i really have no idea what it was talking about...perhaps the part where bruno worked really hard and didn't give up..but it's all rubbish..more of a GAY show...after that we head to heeren, then to wisma then to ION and lastly to tangs where the suprise came...hee...
cuz' we were wasting time ma...i got a pair of wedges at m)phosis at ION haha..shopped for shoes AGAIN!!! lols..then at about 7pm, we headed to tangs..marriot hotel...i couldn't get to take pictures cuz' it was so high class and if i were to take a camera out, my, i may look like an idiot...lols..yeah, and it was the dinner buffet that DD's going to take me there..haha...what a great tactic to bring me first to the toilet there haha...dinner was great, food was ok..perhaps i'm having my period so i didn't really eat so much..haha...but i simply love the soups!! it was great!!! lols...especially the drunken prawns haha...the desserts were so much better la..compared to the food itself..lols...
the day was simple and i had enjoyed it totally!! it's a special day with lotsa love hee =D then we headed back...all the food was making us sleepy haha...went to his place to sit for awhile before heading home ma..haha..his dad left him the metal polish to polish his belt which the stains came off and my, he was really happy about it =D haha...then we sat in the living room to catch
命中注定我愛你 (fated to love you) haha..was really good la..accompany his mum too..then after the show ended, we head to his room for some pictures before he went for a bath =D haha..

when he was bathing, haha, i took out my camera and started camwhoring lols...woots!!! lols...

when he was back, i decided to take more pictures cuz' this was really too little...didn't take much when we're out though..so to make up for it, here are the rest hahahhahaa...

hee...i simply love this picture =D26th aug' 09
today, my stupid alarm didn't ring...when i was up, it was 9am..no doubt i can still make it but by the time i wash up, get changed and stuff, it was more than that...i would probably reach like at 11am? sigh..missed school again and yeah, continue sleeping lor..was tired...i even cancelled the meet up with becky =( i just didn't feel well la...perhaps i ate too much last night and i'm feeling bloated..felt like puking but i can't...sigh..i must get vitagen to aid in my digestion liao...shall get it later...well, will be heading to DD's place later..but before that, i'll head to yew tee to do threading followed by to ntuc to get vitagen and then to his place =D he's having his IPPT today..i really hope he can give it his best shot and aim for a gold...that'll give him his $200 lols...jiayou!!!
Labels: i can feel the love =D