Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
free cash!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 10:11:00 PM
it's true indeed...sheena's friend told her that if we match the criteria for the eye, we can go down for an eye check where in return they give you $30...it's true!!! i got mine...but then, you have to go through lots of tests =) but trust me it's worth..haha...met her & bishi & off we went...to the room...it was filled with the optemetry eqiupment..woots man!!! it was actually kinda fast but due to the last test, it's kinda tedious...cuz' it requires you to focus on a letter & then read a passage & focus on a word...wow...your eyes will get tired =)
had fun today plus free cash lols...just felt that it's so sian that i have to get back to work tomorrow...sigh...next month's roster really sucked big time man..i don't even have any U/A, off, off...argh!!!! shit!!!
you'll be surprised with this title...sheena, dating??? lols...no la of course not...she's dating with me...hee...went out with her today...a last minute decision also...haha...our first stop was tangs...then to wisma...why? she wanted to get her friend's birthday present so i accompanied her lor since i had nothing to do...we can't find anything suitable...so decided to hop down to vivo...then again, nothing man....it was shit!!! our legs were already aching...past by this watch shop then she decided to get a watch for her friend...FINALLY man!!! haha...then we went home lor...when we were at jurong east, the door just shut like that, leaving sheena behind...was thinking of dropping at the next stop so i can see her again but on the way there, she told me not to cuz' there was a big crowd...ended up went home alone =) was fun la...haha...
yesterday, sheena came to my place at about 3pm...nua till my brother came back...he was held up for extra lesson...so while waiting, i played her psp lor...helped her move on to the next stage haha...then she played my ds...cooking mama...lols...my god, it almost killed her!! cuz' she was having so much fun lols...then i decided to show her my brother's creations on the sigs & so on...she was so so impressed...*ahem* well, of course!!! lols...just joking la...haha...just then, he came back...i need to cook dinner...stupid....my dad la...wanted us to cook pork rib soup...luckily sheena was there...she told me to buy the ribs & a sachet of soup base...it would be tasty....i listened...then i suggested she follow me there since my brother was just too lazy to buy...asked my brother to choose the website template for her while she accompanied me to buy the ingredients...woots...she stayed till late about 1140pm before leaving...then, because the dinner was too little (i mean the rice) we both were so hungry...although sheena had a bowl of my soup, she was still hungry...we decided to go to the nearby coffeeshop to eat...was so hungry man...after eating, she was too full...her gastrics also act up (minor de, unlike mine) so walk slowly back to my place the lrt there...she also very funny la...don't want to take 190 to cck interchange so that she can just take a train back from cck to gombak...she wanted to accompany all the way back...haha...
but we had fun la...sheena, my primary school cum secondary school friend....we were besties!!! haha...miss the old days man!!! haha...thanks a lot babe!!!
shit man, work starting soon man...damn it!!! i just wish i had a month mc...like no pay leave...i don't mind man...shit...once mentioning about work, i feel so sian...
i had gastrics AGAIN!! it occurred during my 5days off after my Perth flight...sigh...didn't know about it...
2days ago, i went to see a doctor...was supposed to do 952...thanks so much james that you got activated for my flight..sigh...it's so bad i tell you...i don't even have the strength to walk..the day before, i came back from 3 sectors..went to meet DD...he was with sean actually but sean left...so DD met grace...grace was telling DD how to stop sean from smsing her cuz' she need to have some peace...so DD became the middle man...i was famished...although i had cup noodles on board just now...ordered filet o fish...finished it but felt that my stomach was in pain...sigh...just as i guessed, the gastric attack came back...went to DD's place after that...he wasn't being very concerned...like giving me the sian look when i'm like that...sigh...why?? then after that when i burst into tears, only then did he asked his mum...she gave me medicated oil to apply onto my stomach while he went to make a cup of hot milo for me...i kept burping after that which was a good sign...before going home, DD's mum asked me to drink that medicine which DD gave me before when i was having gastric a long time ago...it was really a good feeling..i felt so much better after that...went home...DD said yong siang's coming over to do the psp thing so i told him when he reached home, sms or call...i was waiting despite having this stupid pain but he didn't call or sms...sigh...is it so difficult??
next day went to see the doctor's..omg..it's confirmed i'm having gastric...sigh...it had gotten so worse man...my medical fees cost me a bomb..it was $268...with lotsa medications plus consultation fees...i have to take this medicine which the doctor said that it helps reduce the acids in my tummy...i have lotsa acids in my tummy...plus i must not take in apple or orange juice...i can provided my gastric stops...sigh...my mum didn't even cared...i just felt so so down...why must i be diagnosed with gastric...DD didn't cared much though...yesterday i went over to his place...all he did was to sleep & ignored me...wth...i thought he will shower me with care & concern but he didn't...since he was sleeping, i slept too...mind you, on the floor...not saying that he ill treat me but i just had my lunch so he said it isn't good to lie down since i was having gastric...i must wait for 15 mins before i can sleep...after that i didn't want to disrupt his sleep so i just slept quietly on the floor...after about an hour, he was awaken by the loud noise from downstairs...then only did he wake me up to lie on his bed...we slept till dinner time...
went down to eat...i told him i helped him to order the food already...but then he didn't seem to listen...he asked me a question but i wasn't paying attention to what he was saying so i just said yes all the way...then he went to order food..when he was back, i asked him what did he ordered & told him i've already ordered what he told me to just now...he was shocked & just said something..when i apologised, he said it's ok but in an angry tone....i was like....wth...i didn't mean it right..plus i was sick...i felt bad cuz' he has to finish all the food...i kept apologising but he just said aiya, nevermind la don't say already can??? i was thinking, couldn't he just tell me in a nicer tone...sigh...after dinner, went back to his place..sigh...again, he was using his com...just ignoring me...leaving me alone...i was thinking, am i transparent...later, i just stared in the space doing nothing only then did i decide to just lay down...i was tearing...cuz' of him & myself...he only showed a little concern...sigh...nevermind then...perhaps he was just TOO TIRED..it's ok...
today, i was awakened by the rain this morning at about 245am...if i didn't remember wrongly, i slept at 140am after finishing my game...was online before...smsed tristan, he didn't replied..pmed him online, he seemed busy although his status was like free...hmm...nevermind...i thought i could go catch a movie with him but...nevermind...just nua at home lor...sheena's coming over later to do her dreamworks thing...my brother's gonna coach her...about 2 or 3pm..till then, i have nothing to do at home...did sms tristan in the morning saying that i was bored...he didn't replied...was online & checked, he wasn't online...nevermind lor...just do nothing...thought i could catch a movie & have lunch with him but...i guess i can't..i think i'll be going down to buy food...i must listen to the doctor's now...i don't want my gastric to worsen...might have another post later...ciao...
had fun yesterday...met sheena & bishi...it was a last minute thing though =) went to town...ate subway...was kinda late though...was actually looking for hsia's present but ended up we went shopping =)
shop for quite lotsa stuff...it's them not me...just bought 2 leggings from cotton on..haha...they're really cheap plus their leggings are comfortable unlike those i bought from bugis...then later in the evening, fifi asked me out...met her at wisma...then went to WH at taka...not long, sheena & bishi left...accompanied her to zara to look for clothes & then to cotton on AGAIN...then we went to blueworks (it's actually the pump room though) took a few pictures but i'm lazy to post...just wait haha..went to only had a drink..we talked about stuff...wanted to leave at 11pm the latest..but then, fifi met her friend..he's lee...he's nice enough to buy us both drinks...before that i had magarita but when lee offered to buy drinks, i told him orange juice would be fine...why? cuz' i think my gastric acted up again...we had dinner, a heavy one...but when we were at blueworks for less than 15mins, i was hungry again...i guess i was really hungry before...sigh...luckily i had orange juice after that as fi was really getting tipsy...she had like 4 or 5 cups of beer...woots...was back really late...like 2am...tired though...
met sheena today again...haha..went for threading...it was a painful experience but it's nicely done man...better than the one i did at era belle...judging from what sheena has said, i was thinking of selling my package to another person since i'm not really into it...well, i'll have to call & ask then...got to go...need to have my beauty sleep for tomorrow's flight..man, i hate it when it's a morning flight..i have to squeeze with the morning crowd...students, people going to work etc...sigh...just hope that i'm lucky enough to board a train with not so many people that i have to squeeze like hell...
just hoping to see you tomorrow...do hope that i can...i miss you so so badly...sigh..just so afraid...i need your embrace again...love you lots...
it's a day to slack...came back at 530 this morning from perth...man, it was so so tiring...perth got delayed due to the late arrival of padang...sigh..then again, the winds...we had a strong head wind...scheduled time to land was 250am but we landed at 331am...by the time everything's done it was like 4 plus...plus i had to wait for the taxi that came at like 5am?!?!?!?! that explains why...
went to sleep and suprisingly, i woke up at 10am..omg!!! then DD called...i asked him whether he wanted to come over...he didn't want to but came in the end haha...went to lot1 to get kfc...we both had this craving...bought it back to his home...caught 3 cute stuff...mickey's full set...will upload the picture tomorrow though =) then ate at his place..slept there as i was so damn tired...he was using his computer & playing his ds..afterwhich was his turn to sleep hee...
woke up at about 5 plus to realise that his parents went out..i was awake la so i knew...couldn't sleep le although i was so so tired...after playing for a moment which stretched up to 6pm, we went down to buy dinner...DD couldn't finish the food..he didn't like it...he commented that we should not pack food home next time...just eat at the coffee shop then..."nua" awhile before he got himself prepared to book in...accompanied him to wait for the bus...it came exactly at 815pm...haha..nice timing though =) went home..& now here i am...going to play ds & sleep later haha...ciao!!
when i woke up at 1.40pm..was so glad that i didn't get called up..then, i just nua online lor...sam asked me whether i'm interested in the forever 21 thing...i said ok lor...so i looked at the clothes & bought 3 items =) happy that i've new clothes in the wardrobe, sad that i'm close to broke!!!
after that i had a shower & met DD..at his place...sean came over...it's over for his relationship...guess that he needs some time to forget...hmm...best wishes to him...
sean: don't take it as a failure...nobody's to blame for anything...things just don't work out well...instead learn from this relationship...you'll do better the next time =)
ate at his place, played ds then chatted...after that DD send me home cuz' i've got perth the next day...hee..well..that's all...tata..
went out with zerlina to kbox marina square today...it was a high time there man..haha...with songs from may day hee...bought my havaianas in sliver...my crocs also silver...everything all in silver...nevermind la..haha...then over to taka, bought sports wear...for don't know whatever reason...a singlet & shorts...like diao right...but i think about it, it's not that expensive la...sometimes go over to DD's place can wear ma...or maybe go out for supper also can wear...camp also..haha...xfactors ma...haha...yeah..can do lots with it..just thinking that maybe the size for the shorts a little too small ba...hmm...see how it goes...
spent about 100 today...which is alot plus K la...hmm...next tues going tanning with the clique liao...zer, ruikun, amelia & ash...woots!! volleyball here i come!!! plus additional tan lols...shoik ah =) haha...will promise to bring my camera...
oh ya, i've forgotten to add on..when on my way home...i took 190 back ma...know what?? the bus was already damn packed la...i stood near the exit where there's this space for people to stand...this AUNTIE beside me was like standing a big portion of it la...having known that there will be more people boarding in, move at least la...she was holding onto the bar already...still want to hold onto the handrails...like diao la...which can actually squeeze in another person...nevermind about this...the most exciting part.... the bus break just suddenly...i was smsing DD la...didn't know the driver break what...then i accidentally stepped onto the AUNTIE beside me la...i stepped very hard i guess...i did apologise...know what she said??
AUNTIE: WA(making that ouch sound, you know how aunties make that kinda sound), YOU STEP ON MY LEG LEI...VERY PAIN LOR...
me: i already apologised what more do you want me to do?? it isn't MY fault that i stepped onto YOUR leg...it was the driver's..he just break SUDDENLY you think i'm prepared for that??
AUNTIE: i know, i know...ya, the driver's fault..
me (was thinking): if you know, you wouldn't be complaining...wth la...
even though the other auntie beside me didn't even make any noise...i also apologised...she make so much noise & not happy wth la...but anyway, i got my revenge..that is for STEPPING ON HER LEG LOLS!!! WOOTS!!! haha...serves her right for not giving people to stand in...selfish freak!!!
ps: thanks sista for the wonderful day & thanks ruikun for the discount hee...
need to sleep liao lor...936 tomorrow...just hope that friday my sby won't get called cuz' i want to accompany my DD!!
finally, i'm out tomorrow...with zer...it's been a long time since i last saw her...the chalet for us...omg...hmm..but it's ok..we meeting..FINALLY!! so sian you know...i'm always off on the wrong days...how i wish i'm off on the weekends next month man...sian...got to sleep early though...haha...update tomorrow if i have the time...haha..thurs another morning flight...
as the title says it all...i've been watching it since i woke up...honestly, since last night when i got home...lols...it's just so erm...how to put it...when you start watching, although you're tired, you can still continue cuz' the storyline & everything is just so perfect...just like me reading harry potter series hee...
did 936 with airwan, derrick & jill...sigh, airwan didn't feel there was anything wrong with her la...but then we both felt that she's rude lor...when i told her about cabin checks, she still have the cheek to tell me, oh i didn't notice..diao..then when something happens, i feel like telling her, oh, i didn't notice too, you'll have to help yourself ah, i can't help you...when i saw her, she's ok la...then i when derrick came in, wanted to introduce himself to her, she was like, i met you before la...i was like...diao, you're a junior, does it matter if YOU met him before & he's just being friendly, just shake la...airwan was saying, that always happen haha..then she shouted: he should remember my name since we both bears the same surname..i was thinking, hello, it's a senior here you're talking to man...please show some respect...wth la...i just find that she's so rude lor...during service also like that...derrick did the showing of meals for the first sector le...i mean, the senior has already taken initiative doing it the first sector, you as a junior, you just do the next sector la...guess what she said?? huh, i must do it ah? my chinese not very good lei...diao...so what, you have to learn what...as if my chinese was very good like that...i also learn what...you think you what ah..when i was a junior last time, i didn't dared talk back...instead i just do it without any seniors asking me...you must learn ma...you junior lei...doesn't it defeats the purpose if you just don't want to learn new things?? nevermind...when she was making a joke & was talking, i didn't even bothered to hear what she was talking or whether it was funny...i just can't be bothered...just ignore lor...she ignore ma...i'll do likewise lols...it was a great flight la...with the light load...it was funb minus her...plus captain was barend botha & f/o stephan woods...haha funny man..
after flight, wanted to take bus home de...ended up saw haidah, val, kelvin & nudge...airwan was there also haha...so join them lor...haidah offered to send me home...i ok la...that was why i waited ma...ended up she say her dad say he wanted to have tea..i was like.....then you should've said earlier ma...at least i don't have to waste my time there & took cab back home...ended up called uncle toni lor...he was late..very late...qweeny was there cuz' her flight to chennai don't have any pilots to fly so cancel flight lor..haha...ask her wanted to take uncle toni ma...she said wait for her...uncle toni came at 11 plus lei...diao...so late liao...we waited for like 2 hours plus haha...i reached home at 12 plus lor...then after everything was done watch fate stay night haha...till like 2 plus i think haha...decided to leave the rest for today hee...if not there's nothing to do...DD told me sat how...i was like hmm..how to go sentosa with them...i got perth & i won't give it up de...then he mentioned that he might not go lor...cuz' angie only ma...if grace don't go, sean not going, melvin got something on also so if nobody goes, i doubt angie going also...so i told DD i pass him my psp for him to watch fate stay night lor...he says he want to watch death race...i told him after that he got lotsa time to spare ma, so watch fate stay night la...he says ok lor...hee...cuz' the weapons used in there is somewhat linked to monster hunter...i realised it yesterday when i told my brother...there's duals, lance, katana, archer, great sword...haha...i got DD interested =) ending was kinda sad...shirou lost saber...how i wish there was part 2 to it man...sigh...haha...
nevertheless, tomorrow i'm going out with cass...kboxing haha...don't know whether she wants the klunch or kstudent...if want to shop then go for the lunch lor or not just go for student...haha...she's on the phone with her aiai, don't want care about me liao...sobs...haha...so long, i think i surf the net for awhile then maybe i go sleep?? here's about fate stay night...
sian, cass sms me that she has squash tomorrow...sigh...should've told me earlier so that i can make plans to ask others out ma...sian...nevermind..stay at home pack my room lor...DD also another one..just now he told me that after that he'll sms me while i call him back later...end up never...sian...he sleep le...sigh...
went out with DD, sean & grace today..wasn't that bad la...just go out together lor...hmm..met DD at lot1..wanted to catch the cute chicky but then, he tried twice & failed...nevermind lor...another time la...i was so so hungry so went to eat lor...didn't know that sean & grace wanted to eat leiz...so ended up meet them at taka...went to kfc(eat again lor) i take it as dinner la cuz' i i was hungry too...don't know why...grace went to buy mooncakes ma...after that went to find grace's friend...then angie called to say that she broke up with her bf...ended up say want to go to sean's place to have liquor...ok lor...settled...so went to paragon to get my crocs...wanted to find meiling but then she's busy with customer...DD don't want to wait so ended up go taka buy lor...sian i should've gotten size 8 instead of 7...but nevermind la, will expand i guess...told grace to get her mooncake while we go up to get my crocs...
then we walked to far east...DD wanted to see f480...if cheap then get lor...ended up don't have...so walked to bus stop but stopped at 7-eleven to get a drink...decided to take train cuz' it's too long waiting for bus...sian...should've said earlier ma...my legs were peeling cuz' of the crocs...i threw away my old pair of yellow shoes i loved...cuz' it was spoilt...then went to sean's place...huey(sean's dog) was so excited for don't what reason...i was so scared la...but ended up she toned down...only then i dared to like sit haha...yesterday also went to sean's place...to have steamboat ma...huey wasn't that excited lei...ended up we left...they decided to go to angie's place...so i went home cuz' tomorrow got flight...DD wanted to go home de cuz' he tired ma...ended up go to angie's place cuz' he say friends ma plus yong siang last minute say he going then ok lor..sean also sending them back ma...just hope he won't be that tired...tomorrow he booking in ma...haha..but then tomorrow he'll be finding lily & yong jie...just hope that he has enough rest before book in...
haha..i enjoyed fate stay night...it's an anime about magicans finding their servants...you guys should check it out man...it's nice...my brother's recommendations...i'm not those into anime but after watching that, i was so hooked to it lols...haha...
thanks so much DD for today =) hee...muackz...will get our hp soon...just have to wait patiently cuz' you know, mummy...sigh...
yesterday i had eye infection...swollen eye..had mc for yesterday & today..tomorrow's sby...just pray hard that i won't get called up man...sun 936...
had nothing to do yesterday so i went to photobucket...did some stuff...lazy to write any posts so i just did those randomly..haha...i woke up just now & the first thing to do was to upload the pictures so that it doesn't take up space in my labtop then i wanted to do the other slideshow about him & me...here it is
still considering whether to get another piece from sam ma...total like that a day almost to $60 liao lei..how...smsed DD..waiting for him to reply...if he pays half of it...i don't mind...if not...i have to think liao...sigh...how man...i also don't want him to pay cuz' he doesn't earn much too..sigh...how man...
today, went out with my mum & brother...we didn't know where to decide to have lunch so haha...ended up we went to causeway...she purposely took off today cuz' she promised to buy my f480 for me..which means i pay myself la..haha..but ended up we never...sian...hopefully she will help me to buy it tomorrow...argh...i've been wanting to buy it..hopefully by friday...so that i can show DD...hee...anyways, did a little shopping...then went home... later in the night, i chatted with DD on the phone...i asked him who he was smsing....he said he doesn't want to tell me...seconds later, an sms came...i read it, it was from him..guess what was the msg??
ger, got things i need to confess to you...recently, i love this ger...she realli is sweet, nice & pretty...but i don't know how to let her know...and the ger is the one that i've sent the msg to & is reading now..i love you...muack...
hee so sweet right?? hee...tears just rolled down...i'm happy & touched by what he had sent...i asked him why...he said he should say it out instead of sending...cuz' sending, i can get to keep the sms but if he says, i can remember but it's not kept somewhere although in my heart...but no matter by any way, i just felt so touched & loved =) hee...so blessed to have him as my significant one!! i love you too DD!!
i know, recently, i didn't have time to blog...as usual...haha...but then will be uploading the pictures in time to come..on what i have been doing for the past few days...haha...anyways, i just came back from chennai like last morning...boy, am i really tired...& i didn't even sleep a wink when i got back...went tanning with my cousin cass...haha...got home & knocked out...haha...she asked me about her blog...i told her my brother could help hee...& he did it for her yesterday...it must have been tired for him...but i'm sure all his hardwork does pay off =) she loves it man!! http://intertwined-ships.blogspot.com/ check it out her blog...haha...simple but i LIKE!! haha...
oh ya, i went to a club for the very first time man...will upload the pictures...anyways, not only you guys wanna see, bestie fifi & mizah wants them too haha...so i'll take some time man...be patient...some things are worth the wait lols...
i really love you & treasure the times we had DD...thanks so much for all that you've done for me...just looking forward to 23rd oct'08 the POP day =) only then, no matter when i'm off, you'll still have time for me =) love you as always!!
Melissa Lim Wan Qin's the name
turned Twenty-one on the 7th of January 1988
currently in the midst of going through the last module for her diploma
life is full of ups and downs, treasure what you have now else you'll regret it for sure..
this is my personal diary, i blog whatever i like..if you hate it, i'm warning you to press alt f4 and you'll be out
Currently Having my diploma and in the midst of completing it. A cabin crew in Tiger airways Leave a tag when you're in (:
free cash!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 10:11:00 PM
it's true indeed...sheena's friend told her that if we match the criteria for the eye, we can go down for an eye check where in return they give you $30...it's true!!! i got mine...but then, you have to go through lots of tests =) but trust me it's worth..haha...met her & bishi & off we went...to the room...it was filled with the optemetry eqiupment..woots man!!! it was actually kinda fast but due to the last test, it's kinda tedious...cuz' it requires you to focus on a letter & then read a passage & focus on a word...wow...your eyes will get tired =)
had fun today plus free cash lols...just felt that it's so sian that i have to get back to work tomorrow...sigh...next month's roster really sucked big time man..i don't even have any U/A, off, off...argh!!!! shit!!!
you'll be surprised with this title...sheena, dating??? lols...no la of course not...she's dating with me...hee...went out with her today...a last minute decision also...haha...our first stop was tangs...then to wisma...why? she wanted to get her friend's birthday present so i accompanied her lor since i had nothing to do...we can't find anything suitable...so decided to hop down to vivo...then again, nothing man....it was shit!!! our legs were already aching...past by this watch shop then she decided to get a watch for her friend...FINALLY man!!! haha...then we went home lor...when we were at jurong east, the door just shut like that, leaving sheena behind...was thinking of dropping at the next stop so i can see her again but on the way there, she told me not to cuz' there was a big crowd...ended up went home alone =) was fun la...haha...
yesterday, sheena came to my place at about 3pm...nua till my brother came back...he was held up for extra lesson...so while waiting, i played her psp lor...helped her move on to the next stage haha...then she played my ds...cooking mama...lols...my god, it almost killed her!! cuz' she was having so much fun lols...then i decided to show her my brother's creations on the sigs & so on...she was so so impressed...*ahem* well, of course!!! lols...just joking la...haha...just then, he came back...i need to cook dinner...stupid....my dad la...wanted us to cook pork rib soup...luckily sheena was there...she told me to buy the ribs & a sachet of soup base...it would be tasty....i listened...then i suggested she follow me there since my brother was just too lazy to buy...asked my brother to choose the website template for her while she accompanied me to buy the ingredients...woots...she stayed till late about 1140pm before leaving...then, because the dinner was too little (i mean the rice) we both were so hungry...although sheena had a bowl of my soup, she was still hungry...we decided to go to the nearby coffeeshop to eat...was so hungry man...after eating, she was too full...her gastrics also act up (minor de, unlike mine) so walk slowly back to my place the lrt there...she also very funny la...don't want to take 190 to cck interchange so that she can just take a train back from cck to gombak...she wanted to accompany all the way back...haha...
but we had fun la...sheena, my primary school cum secondary school friend....we were besties!!! haha...miss the old days man!!! haha...thanks a lot babe!!!
shit man, work starting soon man...damn it!!! i just wish i had a month mc...like no pay leave...i don't mind man...shit...once mentioning about work, i feel so sian...
i had gastrics AGAIN!! it occurred during my 5days off after my Perth flight...sigh...didn't know about it...
2days ago, i went to see a doctor...was supposed to do 952...thanks so much james that you got activated for my flight..sigh...it's so bad i tell you...i don't even have the strength to walk..the day before, i came back from 3 sectors..went to meet DD...he was with sean actually but sean left...so DD met grace...grace was telling DD how to stop sean from smsing her cuz' she need to have some peace...so DD became the middle man...i was famished...although i had cup noodles on board just now...ordered filet o fish...finished it but felt that my stomach was in pain...sigh...just as i guessed, the gastric attack came back...went to DD's place after that...he wasn't being very concerned...like giving me the sian look when i'm like that...sigh...why?? then after that when i burst into tears, only then did he asked his mum...she gave me medicated oil to apply onto my stomach while he went to make a cup of hot milo for me...i kept burping after that which was a good sign...before going home, DD's mum asked me to drink that medicine which DD gave me before when i was having gastric a long time ago...it was really a good feeling..i felt so much better after that...went home...DD said yong siang's coming over to do the psp thing so i told him when he reached home, sms or call...i was waiting despite having this stupid pain but he didn't call or sms...sigh...is it so difficult??
next day went to see the doctor's..omg..it's confirmed i'm having gastric...sigh...it had gotten so worse man...my medical fees cost me a bomb..it was $268...with lotsa medications plus consultation fees...i have to take this medicine which the doctor said that it helps reduce the acids in my tummy...i have lotsa acids in my tummy...plus i must not take in apple or orange juice...i can provided my gastric stops...sigh...my mum didn't even cared...i just felt so so down...why must i be diagnosed with gastric...DD didn't cared much though...yesterday i went over to his place...all he did was to sleep & ignored me...wth...i thought he will shower me with care & concern but he didn't...since he was sleeping, i slept too...mind you, on the floor...not saying that he ill treat me but i just had my lunch so he said it isn't good to lie down since i was having gastric...i must wait for 15 mins before i can sleep...after that i didn't want to disrupt his sleep so i just slept quietly on the floor...after about an hour, he was awaken by the loud noise from downstairs...then only did he wake me up to lie on his bed...we slept till dinner time...
went down to eat...i told him i helped him to order the food already...but then he didn't seem to listen...he asked me a question but i wasn't paying attention to what he was saying so i just said yes all the way...then he went to order food..when he was back, i asked him what did he ordered & told him i've already ordered what he told me to just now...he was shocked & just said something..when i apologised, he said it's ok but in an angry tone....i was like....wth...i didn't mean it right..plus i was sick...i felt bad cuz' he has to finish all the food...i kept apologising but he just said aiya, nevermind la don't say already can??? i was thinking, couldn't he just tell me in a nicer tone...sigh...after dinner, went back to his place..sigh...again, he was using his com...just ignoring me...leaving me alone...i was thinking, am i transparent...later, i just stared in the space doing nothing only then did i decide to just lay down...i was tearing...cuz' of him & myself...he only showed a little concern...sigh...nevermind then...perhaps he was just TOO TIRED..it's ok...
today, i was awakened by the rain this morning at about 245am...if i didn't remember wrongly, i slept at 140am after finishing my game...was online before...smsed tristan, he didn't replied..pmed him online, he seemed busy although his status was like free...hmm...nevermind...i thought i could go catch a movie with him but...nevermind...just nua at home lor...sheena's coming over later to do her dreamworks thing...my brother's gonna coach her...about 2 or 3pm..till then, i have nothing to do at home...did sms tristan in the morning saying that i was bored...he didn't replied...was online & checked, he wasn't online...nevermind lor...just do nothing...thought i could catch a movie & have lunch with him but...i guess i can't..i think i'll be going down to buy food...i must listen to the doctor's now...i don't want my gastric to worsen...might have another post later...ciao...
had fun yesterday...met sheena & bishi...it was a last minute thing though =) went to town...ate subway...was kinda late though...was actually looking for hsia's present but ended up we went shopping =)
shop for quite lotsa stuff...it's them not me...just bought 2 leggings from cotton on..haha...they're really cheap plus their leggings are comfortable unlike those i bought from bugis...then later in the evening, fifi asked me out...met her at wisma...then went to WH at taka...not long, sheena & bishi left...accompanied her to zara to look for clothes & then to cotton on AGAIN...then we went to blueworks (it's actually the pump room though) took a few pictures but i'm lazy to post...just wait haha..went to only had a drink..we talked about stuff...wanted to leave at 11pm the latest..but then, fifi met her friend..he's lee...he's nice enough to buy us both drinks...before that i had magarita but when lee offered to buy drinks, i told him orange juice would be fine...why? cuz' i think my gastric acted up again...we had dinner, a heavy one...but when we were at blueworks for less than 15mins, i was hungry again...i guess i was really hungry before...sigh...luckily i had orange juice after that as fi was really getting tipsy...she had like 4 or 5 cups of beer...woots...was back really late...like 2am...tired though...
met sheena today again...haha..went for threading...it was a painful experience but it's nicely done man...better than the one i did at era belle...judging from what sheena has said, i was thinking of selling my package to another person since i'm not really into it...well, i'll have to call & ask then...got to go...need to have my beauty sleep for tomorrow's flight..man, i hate it when it's a morning flight..i have to squeeze with the morning crowd...students, people going to work etc...sigh...just hope that i'm lucky enough to board a train with not so many people that i have to squeeze like hell...
just hoping to see you tomorrow...do hope that i can...i miss you so so badly...sigh..just so afraid...i need your embrace again...love you lots...
it's a day to slack...came back at 530 this morning from perth...man, it was so so tiring...perth got delayed due to the late arrival of padang...sigh..then again, the winds...we had a strong head wind...scheduled time to land was 250am but we landed at 331am...by the time everything's done it was like 4 plus...plus i had to wait for the taxi that came at like 5am?!?!?!?! that explains why...
went to sleep and suprisingly, i woke up at 10am..omg!!! then DD called...i asked him whether he wanted to come over...he didn't want to but came in the end haha...went to lot1 to get kfc...we both had this craving...bought it back to his home...caught 3 cute stuff...mickey's full set...will upload the picture tomorrow though =) then ate at his place..slept there as i was so damn tired...he was using his computer & playing his ds..afterwhich was his turn to sleep hee...
woke up at about 5 plus to realise that his parents went out..i was awake la so i knew...couldn't sleep le although i was so so tired...after playing for a moment which stretched up to 6pm, we went down to buy dinner...DD couldn't finish the food..he didn't like it...he commented that we should not pack food home next time...just eat at the coffee shop then..."nua" awhile before he got himself prepared to book in...accompanied him to wait for the bus...it came exactly at 815pm...haha..nice timing though =) went home..& now here i am...going to play ds & sleep later haha...ciao!!
when i woke up at 1.40pm..was so glad that i didn't get called up..then, i just nua online lor...sam asked me whether i'm interested in the forever 21 thing...i said ok lor...so i looked at the clothes & bought 3 items =) happy that i've new clothes in the wardrobe, sad that i'm close to broke!!!
after that i had a shower & met DD..at his place...sean came over...it's over for his relationship...guess that he needs some time to forget...hmm...best wishes to him...
sean: don't take it as a failure...nobody's to blame for anything...things just don't work out well...instead learn from this relationship...you'll do better the next time =)
ate at his place, played ds then chatted...after that DD send me home cuz' i've got perth the next day...hee..well..that's all...tata..
went out with zerlina to kbox marina square today...it was a high time there man..haha...with songs from may day hee...bought my havaianas in sliver...my crocs also silver...everything all in silver...nevermind la..haha...then over to taka, bought sports wear...for don't know whatever reason...a singlet & shorts...like diao right...but i think about it, it's not that expensive la...sometimes go over to DD's place can wear ma...or maybe go out for supper also can wear...camp also..haha...xfactors ma...haha...yeah..can do lots with it..just thinking that maybe the size for the shorts a little too small ba...hmm...see how it goes...
spent about 100 today...which is alot plus K la...hmm...next tues going tanning with the clique liao...zer, ruikun, amelia & ash...woots!! volleyball here i come!!! plus additional tan lols...shoik ah =) haha...will promise to bring my camera...
oh ya, i've forgotten to add on..when on my way home...i took 190 back ma...know what?? the bus was already damn packed la...i stood near the exit where there's this space for people to stand...this AUNTIE beside me was like standing a big portion of it la...having known that there will be more people boarding in, move at least la...she was holding onto the bar already...still want to hold onto the handrails...like diao la...which can actually squeeze in another person...nevermind about this...the most exciting part.... the bus break just suddenly...i was smsing DD la...didn't know the driver break what...then i accidentally stepped onto the AUNTIE beside me la...i stepped very hard i guess...i did apologise...know what she said??
AUNTIE: WA(making that ouch sound, you know how aunties make that kinda sound), YOU STEP ON MY LEG LEI...VERY PAIN LOR...
me: i already apologised what more do you want me to do?? it isn't MY fault that i stepped onto YOUR leg...it was the driver's..he just break SUDDENLY you think i'm prepared for that??
AUNTIE: i know, i know...ya, the driver's fault..
me (was thinking): if you know, you wouldn't be complaining...wth la...
even though the other auntie beside me didn't even make any noise...i also apologised...she make so much noise & not happy wth la...but anyway, i got my revenge..that is for STEPPING ON HER LEG LOLS!!! WOOTS!!! haha...serves her right for not giving people to stand in...selfish freak!!!
ps: thanks sista for the wonderful day & thanks ruikun for the discount hee...
need to sleep liao lor...936 tomorrow...just hope that friday my sby won't get called cuz' i want to accompany my DD!!
finally, i'm out tomorrow...with zer...it's been a long time since i last saw her...the chalet for us...omg...hmm..but it's ok..we meeting..FINALLY!! so sian you know...i'm always off on the wrong days...how i wish i'm off on the weekends next month man...sian...got to sleep early though...haha...update tomorrow if i have the time...haha..thurs another morning flight...
as the title says it all...i've been watching it since i woke up...honestly, since last night when i got home...lols...it's just so erm...how to put it...when you start watching, although you're tired, you can still continue cuz' the storyline & everything is just so perfect...just like me reading harry potter series hee...
did 936 with airwan, derrick & jill...sigh, airwan didn't feel there was anything wrong with her la...but then we both felt that she's rude lor...when i told her about cabin checks, she still have the cheek to tell me, oh i didn't notice..diao..then when something happens, i feel like telling her, oh, i didn't notice too, you'll have to help yourself ah, i can't help you...when i saw her, she's ok la...then i when derrick came in, wanted to introduce himself to her, she was like, i met you before la...i was like...diao, you're a junior, does it matter if YOU met him before & he's just being friendly, just shake la...airwan was saying, that always happen haha..then she shouted: he should remember my name since we both bears the same surname..i was thinking, hello, it's a senior here you're talking to man...please show some respect...wth la...i just find that she's so rude lor...during service also like that...derrick did the showing of meals for the first sector le...i mean, the senior has already taken initiative doing it the first sector, you as a junior, you just do the next sector la...guess what she said?? huh, i must do it ah? my chinese not very good lei...diao...so what, you have to learn what...as if my chinese was very good like that...i also learn what...you think you what ah..when i was a junior last time, i didn't dared talk back...instead i just do it without any seniors asking me...you must learn ma...you junior lei...doesn't it defeats the purpose if you just don't want to learn new things?? nevermind...when she was making a joke & was talking, i didn't even bothered to hear what she was talking or whether it was funny...i just can't be bothered...just ignore lor...she ignore ma...i'll do likewise lols...it was a great flight la...with the light load...it was funb minus her...plus captain was barend botha & f/o stephan woods...haha funny man..
after flight, wanted to take bus home de...ended up saw haidah, val, kelvin & nudge...airwan was there also haha...so join them lor...haidah offered to send me home...i ok la...that was why i waited ma...ended up she say her dad say he wanted to have tea..i was like.....then you should've said earlier ma...at least i don't have to waste my time there & took cab back home...ended up called uncle toni lor...he was late..very late...qweeny was there cuz' her flight to chennai don't have any pilots to fly so cancel flight lor..haha...ask her wanted to take uncle toni ma...she said wait for her...uncle toni came at 11 plus lei...diao...so late liao...we waited for like 2 hours plus haha...i reached home at 12 plus lor...then after everything was done watch fate stay night haha...till like 2 plus i think haha...decided to leave the rest for today hee...if not there's nothing to do...DD told me sat how...i was like hmm..how to go sentosa with them...i got perth & i won't give it up de...then he mentioned that he might not go lor...cuz' angie only ma...if grace don't go, sean not going, melvin got something on also so if nobody goes, i doubt angie going also...so i told DD i pass him my psp for him to watch fate stay night lor...he says he want to watch death race...i told him after that he got lotsa time to spare ma, so watch fate stay night la...he says ok lor...hee...cuz' the weapons used in there is somewhat linked to monster hunter...i realised it yesterday when i told my brother...there's duals, lance, katana, archer, great sword...haha...i got DD interested =) ending was kinda sad...shirou lost saber...how i wish there was part 2 to it man...sigh...haha...
nevertheless, tomorrow i'm going out with cass...kboxing haha...don't know whether she wants the klunch or kstudent...if want to shop then go for the lunch lor or not just go for student...haha...she's on the phone with her aiai, don't want care about me liao...sobs...haha...so long, i think i surf the net for awhile then maybe i go sleep?? here's about fate stay night...
sian, cass sms me that she has squash tomorrow...sigh...should've told me earlier so that i can make plans to ask others out ma...sian...nevermind..stay at home pack my room lor...DD also another one..just now he told me that after that he'll sms me while i call him back later...end up never...sian...he sleep le...sigh...
went out with DD, sean & grace today..wasn't that bad la...just go out together lor...hmm..met DD at lot1..wanted to catch the cute chicky but then, he tried twice & failed...nevermind lor...another time la...i was so so hungry so went to eat lor...didn't know that sean & grace wanted to eat leiz...so ended up meet them at taka...went to kfc(eat again lor) i take it as dinner la cuz' i i was hungry too...don't know why...grace went to buy mooncakes ma...after that went to find grace's friend...then angie called to say that she broke up with her bf...ended up say want to go to sean's place to have liquor...ok lor...settled...so went to paragon to get my crocs...wanted to find meiling but then she's busy with customer...DD don't want to wait so ended up go taka buy lor...sian i should've gotten size 8 instead of 7...but nevermind la, will expand i guess...told grace to get her mooncake while we go up to get my crocs...
then we walked to far east...DD wanted to see f480...if cheap then get lor...ended up don't have...so walked to bus stop but stopped at 7-eleven to get a drink...decided to take train cuz' it's too long waiting for bus...sian...should've said earlier ma...my legs were peeling cuz' of the crocs...i threw away my old pair of yellow shoes i loved...cuz' it was spoilt...then went to sean's place...huey(sean's dog) was so excited for don't what reason...i was so scared la...but ended up she toned down...only then i dared to like sit haha...yesterday also went to sean's place...to have steamboat ma...huey wasn't that excited lei...ended up we left...they decided to go to angie's place...so i went home cuz' tomorrow got flight...DD wanted to go home de cuz' he tired ma...ended up go to angie's place cuz' he say friends ma plus yong siang last minute say he going then ok lor..sean also sending them back ma...just hope he won't be that tired...tomorrow he booking in ma...haha..but then tomorrow he'll be finding lily & yong jie...just hope that he has enough rest before book in...
haha..i enjoyed fate stay night...it's an anime about magicans finding their servants...you guys should check it out man...it's nice...my brother's recommendations...i'm not those into anime but after watching that, i was so hooked to it lols...haha...
thanks so much DD for today =) hee...muackz...will get our hp soon...just have to wait patiently cuz' you know, mummy...sigh...
yesterday i had eye infection...swollen eye..had mc for yesterday & today..tomorrow's sby...just pray hard that i won't get called up man...sun 936...
had nothing to do yesterday so i went to photobucket...did some stuff...lazy to write any posts so i just did those randomly..haha...i woke up just now & the first thing to do was to upload the pictures so that it doesn't take up space in my labtop then i wanted to do the other slideshow about him & me...here it is
still considering whether to get another piece from sam ma...total like that a day almost to $60 liao lei..how...smsed DD..waiting for him to reply...if he pays half of it...i don't mind...if not...i have to think liao...sigh...how man...i also don't want him to pay cuz' he doesn't earn much too..sigh...how man...
today, went out with my mum & brother...we didn't know where to decide to have lunch so haha...ended up we went to causeway...she purposely took off today cuz' she promised to buy my f480 for me..which means i pay myself la..haha..but ended up we never...sian...hopefully she will help me to buy it tomorrow...argh...i've been wanting to buy it..hopefully by friday...so that i can show DD...hee...anyways, did a little shopping...then went home... later in the night, i chatted with DD on the phone...i asked him who he was smsing....he said he doesn't want to tell me...seconds later, an sms came...i read it, it was from him..guess what was the msg??
ger, got things i need to confess to you...recently, i love this ger...she realli is sweet, nice & pretty...but i don't know how to let her know...and the ger is the one that i've sent the msg to & is reading now..i love you...muack...
hee so sweet right?? hee...tears just rolled down...i'm happy & touched by what he had sent...i asked him why...he said he should say it out instead of sending...cuz' sending, i can get to keep the sms but if he says, i can remember but it's not kept somewhere although in my heart...but no matter by any way, i just felt so touched & loved =) hee...so blessed to have him as my significant one!! i love you too DD!!
i know, recently, i didn't have time to blog...as usual...haha...but then will be uploading the pictures in time to come..on what i have been doing for the past few days...haha...anyways, i just came back from chennai like last morning...boy, am i really tired...& i didn't even sleep a wink when i got back...went tanning with my cousin cass...haha...got home & knocked out...haha...she asked me about her blog...i told her my brother could help hee...& he did it for her yesterday...it must have been tired for him...but i'm sure all his hardwork does pay off =) she loves it man!! http://intertwined-ships.blogspot.com/ check it out her blog...haha...simple but i LIKE!! haha...
oh ya, i went to a club for the very first time man...will upload the pictures...anyways, not only you guys wanna see, bestie fifi & mizah wants them too haha...so i'll take some time man...be patient...some things are worth the wait lols...
i really love you & treasure the times we had DD...thanks so much for all that you've done for me...just looking forward to 23rd oct'08 the POP day =) only then, no matter when i'm off, you'll still have time for me =) love you as always!!