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countdown: 9 more months
Twitter: Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 6:53:00 PM was a great day...went out with mummy & my's like the first time my brother would want to go out with went to meet up with mummy first...i came about 2pm...i wanted to do my stuff first ma...then on the way, taking 190 that time, i was reading the book i borrowed from library =D really i smiled all the way lol...don't think that i'm mad cuz' what they said in there is really true =D they went to shop for his new year's shoes...then, went to taka's ajisen to have lunch...lols...i know, it's having that again...ordered the same thing..haha...volcano..i only eat that ramen...this time round, i couldn't finish...the stupid nauseous feeling came back...argh!!! it's so so not right...after that, really, it's shit!!! my giddy spells came back...when walking out from ajisen....argh....was real bad!!! don't want mummy to worry...just walk....was thinking, what in the world happened...was kinda tired la...sian lor...accompanied them just to go shopping for my brother...lols...first time right??? came back quite early...about 5pm...

just want to have a chat with him...but then, he ignored...wth...ignore then ignore lor...if you want to be enemies then be it la huh...tomorrow's a new's going to be a whole new year...heck la what you want to do now...just being friends also in the wrong? well, if you find it like i'm irritating then just tell me straight in the face...don't need you to ignore me...still say those what about ignoring..nevermind...haha...what's said has already been said...who cares aye??? haha...

a friend said this to me just now...haha...he's really nice =) it's his first impression towards me...hee...

i would have expected you to be decisive with your actions and thoughts
because you express yourself confidently
and usually
people who are confident with expressing themselves
are quite decisive as a person
then again... such assumptions may not be right

i didn't know i was a STRONG girl in someone's mind...i thought i'm always the weakling...hee...*tsk tsk* i'll promise to be strong =D

this is really so true...
love is not about banging and locking into one person
love is all about searching for someone compatible
and moving on with better romance subsequently
love is about giving your everything
about sharing your weals & woes with each other..
the best way to keep love is to give it wings...

i'm just so happy!! *winks*

let's welcome year 2009!!
happy new year everyone!!! enjoy!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 10:04:00 PM
sorry to keep you guys from waiting...
wanted to blog yesterday after dinner but then...haha..something cropped up...went to meet him for a chat lot1..since i also didn't have anything to do...when we chatted, he seemed so different...glad he FINALLY knows what he wanted =D happy for him...really happy...well, learnt from him lots...and guess's like he's got some kinda power to influence me to read up books on self improvement!! omg!! can you believe it??? it's so can i be affected that much!! it's the first time i'm experiencing this...lols...then sean came down...both of them walked me back home...while we were walking, f*** my giddy spells were back again & this time it was really bad man!!! luckily, i didn't faint...cuz' it was like going on then then white then blurry...sigh...luckily they were talking...i was listening but it was like some *iiiiiing* noise...sigh...then after that can hear what they were chatting i started to talk as i don't want to be bothered by the stupid sound & the vision...felt better only for awhile...finally walked to my house le!!! yay!!! took the lift back up was really bad...for a moment, i thought the lift blacked in stopped...i couldn't see anything, wanted to press 10th floor but somehow i couldn't see...then my vision got back..quickly pressed & reached 10th floor...omg!!! it was really close...then again, i was holding onto the railings...they serve as a guide for me to walk all the way to my house...omg!!! mummy saw me, nagged at why i came back so late...i couldn't be wasn't late lor...please!!! sigh...rested for awhile before drinking a cup of water...thought i need to finish my pills for gastric but then, nah, i have completed the course finally no more pills for me =D but then again, so what??? sigh...painted my nails & sleep ler....

oh yeah, watched sky of love yesterday again...indeed, this is like the 3rd time i'm watching was a movie i loved so much!!! really!!! introduced by him...haha...watched on his cell once...then after that at zer's chalet where we just rent & watched haha...then yesterday...sigh...looking at hiro, it really reminds me of him...haha...his hair, his style, his temper anything!!! hiro is a guy who really loved her girl, mika deeply...when you guys watched that show, you'll understand what i meant..tears rolled down again...never failed to touch my's still the same feeling...that feeling i had back then when watching it...i thought this is just some movie i'll be watching it again..but then, no!!! the feeling's back...sigh...alright, i shall not talk about this anymore...

today, after flight, went to meet caiwei jie...i was there early so i popped by the library to look up for books...haha...found 2 & it wasn't what i wanted..then found another...stood & read...sick of standing so i went to find a seat...sat & read for awhile...then wanted to return & look for more books...suddenly, i thought better just hold on to the book...wanted to borrow it...guess what, i bumped into auntie karen...lols..didn't expect auntie karen to come...i thought we could chat...but then...nothing much la...talked about 2nd bad she was..talking about granny...sigh...she has got cancer...colon cancer...and the best part, 2nd aunt is what lor...talked about granny...if she were to stay at her place, then what will happen if granny one day pass away, how to do the funeral & all that...WTF la...i listen liao also DAMN F***ING angry could she say that of her own mother?? i hate & despise people like that!!! when buying those tonic for granny, know what she said?? can we like share?? what do you mean by share??? isn't she your mother?? do you like need to share with your sisters to buy tonic for your OWN mother?? what la!!! buy tonic for own mother also want to save...WTF!?!?!!??!? argh...getting all so fed up la!!! tell me, will you not?? auntie karen say, that time she went to meet up with all the sisters ma..luckily mummy didn't went or not, she sure flared up de...please la, not only mummy, i think any sensible person would also think this is like....not right lor....argh!!! alright, let's not get her to this discussion...damn mad man!!!!

we wanted to have dinner at sakae de...ended up it's FULL choice go ajisen eat lor...hmm...went there once...with yeah...haha...then ordered the norm i usually ordered lor...volcano ramen...couldn't finish the tofu...the side dish la...ended up caiwei jie take away lols...couldn't finish the food...i had lunch at like 4pm...not really nice at hanis quite full...felt like puking after finishing my ramen sigh...went home alone...watched tv...then chatted only awhile...saw that he alright??? hope so ba...*god bless*

saw this...omg...
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's 2 scary!
Guy : Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and
put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl:Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow
down now! Please!

(in the paper the next day):

A motorcycle had crashed into a
building because of a brake failure.
Two people were on it, but only 1
had survived .

The truth was that halfway down the
road, the guy realized that his brakes
broke, but he didn't want to let
the girl know. Instead, he had her say
she loved him and felt her hug one last
time, then he had her wear his helmet
that she would live even though it
that he would die.

seriously, i've been praying...praying for you, your family, everyone...closest to so afraid i'll lose you guys one day...really...

song of the day

When Your Gone - Avril Lavigne

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And when you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah Yeah

And all I ever wanted it was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you


Sunday, December 28, 2008, 9:54:00 PM
here i am again...suddenly felt so emo...watched twilight just now on my com =) brother downloaded this quite long time...wanted to watch it with him originally but then now...hmm...nevermind la..watched it's really a touching story...but too bad, there's too much boring start & the climax was like so short...sigh...but overall not bad...

hmm..been wanting to catch a movie with...ya but then, i guess now...there's no chance...suddenly, this feeling came back...i shouldn't be thinking about it but then...hmm...when the feeling comes, it just comes...nothing can stop it from happening....just now when the wind blew just like that, guess what?? your scent came in, filling up every corner in my room...hmm...sigh...

i am trying not to think about it...but sometimes, when thinking about the memories we had, it made tears roll down just like that..haha..well, i'm fine..just feeling emotional right the effect of the song played on my blog...the times with you, your family & your friends...

supper, your bed, your scent, your smelly...haha...everything la...hmm...wanted to return you your birthday gift just now...smsed sean but he was driving...on second thoughts, i think it's alright ba...wanted to pass it to you tonight just to see you...but i think i better long...

today's picture..took it while at KL..waiting for pax to board..just so love sunrise =D

the other time the pictures we took when celebrating sean's birthday at marina barricade

can you see the moon?

looks like a runway but it's not...

sean's cake...i know it's a log cake...haha...

here goes, blow the candle after making a wish...


what a great flight
, 4:20:00 PM
omg!!! haha...flew with val again!!! it's been twice happy...together with marine & the new crew, perlin...i kept mixing her name up with belin's lols...& the fact that i saw belin in the briefing room when we arrived, i really got it all mixed up man!! lols...

yesterday was really a frustrating day for me man!!! called val to ask if she wanted to take uncle robert today ma...she said she's fine with anything..need a cab there anyways...then i called marine and asked her, she's not joining us...after that smsed uncle robert...he took so long to reply...ended up sms edward lor...he said he can pick us up...i was like yay!!! haha...then told him pick me up at 4am...then val about 415am...then went to paint my nails...tried on the new colour =) nice!! then watched the korean show about doctors de...they were operating on a patient...the heart & everything..omg!! it's really goosebumps were already out when i saw's really real lor...then after that slept at 930pm...tried to sleep early la...cuz' today have to wake up at like it's like 6hours of sleep lor...tried to sleep very badly la...know what?? my parents were watching the variety show after that la...was so loud man the volume!!! ended up i toss & turn in bed...couldn't get to sleep...felt so frustrated...then when i finally got to sleep...GUESS WHAT???? uncle robert called!!!!! omg!!! i really gotten into deep sleep soon ler's not easy you know...looked at the was like first i thought the flight might be cancelled or time is already up, i need to get up to go for work...but then, i still heard the television programme on so i doubted it...omg!! he called 3 times lor...ended up picked up the call...told him i've gotten a cab le...cuz' i smsed him just now ma, he didn't replied..then he say sorry also cuz' he called quite late...then i tried so hard to sleep again man!!! argh!!! you know how frustrating ma???

then woke up by my third alarm!!! that's the last alarm man...i set 3 ma..just in case can't wake up...wa, all of them, i didn't wake up lor...wth...only the last up to prepare...then waited for edward...wa, he still can sms me to say that he just went out of house....i was like...just hope he's not was about 340am...true enough, he's to my place at 420am...really late lor..thought there wasn't enough time to work...went to pick val up...then he sped all the way liao...reached there at 5am...phew!!! lucky!!! he said we owe him first cuz' no time next time take him then pay him lor...we were like ok...then quickly went off ler...wa...chiong ah!!! then reach briefing room...giddy spells were back...argh!!! then ignore lor...signed on ler then sit down...perlin didn't even introduce herself to me...winnie did...winnie looked like karmen that kinda version hee...she's not bad looking hor!! quite chio la..haha...huiwen was there saying she looked like marine...but no lor, don't look alike lei...then started briefing...perlin made marine angry...she didn't update her FDP la...diao...then still so defensive...wa, last time i like that, i also won't so defensive will apologise & apologise & ask the seniors how to do all that...wa, she power man!!! her fault liao but still defend...then start work lor...

on flight fun man!! cuz' of marine la...all the crap with the "forest" lols...and all the disgusting things la...haha...had lotsa fun la...although damn tired la...omg...went to meet sean after work...wa, luckily he smsed me to remind me or not, i really forgotten lor...i reached there first...wasn't really feeling very well...all thanks to it...had a blackout when i was on the way from i think i didn't see sean's msg...when i reached yew tee, took out my cell & wanted to tell him reach le then only i saw his sms...which was too late le...he told me to sms him when i reached kranji...lols...but nevermind la...waited for him lor...while waiting, it's really very groggy...& mind you, i was sitting...can literally feel myself spinning away taking some kinda pills like that...he reached, took the stuff from him...actually to pass to grace de la...then took train to cck...he waiting to meet him...then i left first lor...wait there for at bored...& the best part, i have nothing to do...argh!!! don't know la...see how later...what to do...find things to do lor...maybe at night blog again...haha...wa, been having morning flights for quite sometime man!! hated it!! this coming tues also...mon & wed off...whee....exam break ma...haha...but then again, don't know what to do sia...


Saturday, December 27, 2008, 1:31:00 PM
got awakened by a call from him...answered already but then, he hung up...didn't call him back...i still took awhile before getting first i thought i was dreaming...cuz' i just woke up & everything's like groggy...then i checked my cell again, 1 missed was from him...smsed him asked him what is it...he asked whether i'm working...i said i'm on sby..& asked if this is real, thought he hated me that much...he wanted to meet for a talk...i said alright..he said he don't hate anyone...those were just words of anger...i was like ok...then after that i told him to meet about 1130am, he said nevermind...i was angry at first cuz' i was thinking, what does he treat me as?? you want you meet la, don't want then don't even bother to sms...then he said he need to meet his coast guard friends at 1530 for bowling & he have not reached home yet...seriously, i didn't asked him, but he told me...i was like, make up your mind!!! ended up i told him, if it's too rush it's ok...i was online all the while...then saw him...i asked him i thought you have not reached home yet? he said he just got back...i said ok..then he said ps, he kinda tired...i said nevermind..then we chatted on msn for awhile...about the display picture he had...there's one machiam like go jail like that...haha..but i still prefered the one where he stood by the sea &'s nice...went on to tell me about those two pictures...

i was thinking, i didn't know in camp, you can take such nice pictures...omg!! it's really nice..i love it!! then he told me he want to meet me...i was like.....thought he said he's tired? hmm..asked him then he said no, don't mind to meet..i said ok lor..he told me he go bathe all that...have lunch then come over...waited for him to come..he reached ler..let him in...he sat my room...first thing he did was tell me about the wing chun thing...the wushu thing...he taught me how to defend myself...i was like...ok..try lor although i was like thinking, erm, i thought we were supposed to have a chat...maybe that's how he wanted to start the whole conversation ba?? mastered it la..but only the wrists are really sore's really pain..just hope that i don't have blue black lols...then he told me he wanted a hug...i was like...erm...i thought he hated me so much?? & now this has to happen again...asked me to close the door...i didn't want to...& shit...i shouldn't asked that...sigh...i asked him how are things with his sister...whether his sister talked to him...he suddenly become so sad & answered no...told him i smsed her yesterday about the threading but she didn't replied..saw him clenched his fists...then he's really sad...i was like...melissa!!! what the hell are you doing!!!! why are you asking him such questions....then i told him, wei, don't like that lei...seeing him that way really ached if he's hurt cuz' he hurt he's sister, what about me?? i'm hurt ten times the way how he hurt his sister...guilt, pain & hurt has engulfed me just like that...know how it feels?? i started to cry when i see him like really aches me to see him this way...i really wanted to give him a hug's ok...then he took his cell out to call somebody...after that, guessed that person didn't answered & he told me he's leaving...he ate his chocolate & while he was preparing, i asked him why you want to see me, thought you hated me? then he said, just want to talk for awhile...but nevermind now...i need to go...

in my heart, i was thinking...i knew it!! it's all cuz' of what i said...i ruined the chance of having a good talk with him...there's lotsa things to ask him but...i didn't get the's ok...somehow i need to face the fact...the fact that i can't ask him those....the guilt & everything...perhaps let this just be...time will heal everything but not now...slowly...i've gotten all so emo about it...when here i am saying all those...don't get him involved in your life &'s not about's about his sis...sigh...who can understand this?? the pain i'm going least he's not alone...but me? sigh...he has sean to accompany him...then again, my giddy spells came shit!!! when he left, i felt so lonely once again...told myself not to CRY!!! what is it that i am crying for?? hello!!! he's so much hurt than you do....hope he's having fun with his mates...bowling has always been his favourite...go have fun ba...

after that, i went to look for songs..been doing that lately...suddenly thought about jay's song...then took my guitar that has been rotting for ages...tried on it...omg!!! i lost touch for like 2 it's so so difficult & i've somewhat forgotten about the chords...shit...those simple ones...omg!!! can you believe it...i just try lor..& finally i'm getting the hang of it but still not as fast like last time...i don't think i know how to play jay's qing tian ler...sobx...but then, it's been really a long time ler...i still remember how i taught you & your sister to play the guitar...

i told myself, why am i getting involved with him once's been like 5days that we didn't see each other, smsed each other or call each other...why let him bother you again...
let me tell you...right now, what he needs is accompany...he needs to keep himself occupied with stuff so that he won't think about his sis...

then again, what about me?? melissa, you only think about him, what about you?? well, i'm happy with things are...nobody's gone, i've hurt nobody in my family...but then, just that granny's like....yeah...going to visit her later when daddy comes don't mind about me giving all that i have just for the sake of him...I DON'T MIND...what i want him to realise is that...face it!! it's over...just like me...for me, i still feel the hurt think i liked it?? how is it when night falls? you think i'm having a great time sleeping?? how i suffered, how i can't have proper meals & how i think about you, about the happy times spent? how about that incident...what i said...your friends told me that i did it without thinking of the consequences...but do they ever consider that i didn't want you to hurt her?? you think i don't know how much you dote on her?? your love for her?? i didn't even want you to link it to her...but you did...i didn't know that you will link her to me...i thought you will just hate me & that's it...end of story...sigh...nevermind now, no point harping on's already over....right now, all we can do is to move on...move forward...sink deeper if you continue like this...i told myself that too...well, if you are reading this, yes, try not to let it affect's OVER!! just like me...what i's not easy i know..i've been through what you have done before...the took a long time to heal...but if you're positive & persistent about it, it will soon be over...if not, you just harp onto it like thinking about what you did, it's no point...will it change the fact that you hurt her?? no!! i was like you the other time...but then, after much thoughts, i CHOSE to stay positive & my brother forgave me takes time and afterall, she's your sister...someone who's related to you...she'll come back...people may think, ya, it's easier said than done...but give it day you will succeed...

i wanted to discuss with you how to cheer your sister up..but i can't...every time when i start that topic, you will just be sad..just by seeing you sad, my mood is not there already...i just want you happy...happy like the way you used to be....thought of getting your sister the camera she wanted...i had forgotten the model of the camera...but i think it's something like the one that your sis lend from her friend during your chalet...i don't mind spending it & gave it to her as long as it cheers her up...she wanted to get it long time ago when your dad brought her to buy a camera..ended up she got that...she wasn't happy...she told me don't know what we talked after we broke up...i met her...she's really a nice, understanding & matured girl...really...just give her sometime to me, i know what she wants...together, if you want, i can tell you what we talked the other day...just normal talk about your family, her life...really...i will want to make this a perfect ending...together with your parents...really...i don't want to see your family fall apart like how mine let me know =) take care...

sian, tomorrow another morning flight argh!!! need to reach airport at 510am...ending work at 2pm...what a day tomorrow..sigh...

i know this post is all about him...but then, i'm really sincere in helping him to change the whole of a family...i believe that through thick & thin, the bond in a family will get stronger...even stronger than anything..even though i don't mind playing the bad long as it's for you & your family, everything is worth =D take it as a blessing in disguise...

Bye Bye - Mariah Carey

it's really a nice & meaningful song...the mtv is really great...the lyrics too...i really love this song so much!!! to all of the closest ones & people who are dear to me out there =D


Friday, December 26, 2008, 6:39:00 PM
guess what...worked with daph today again =) with aslinda & kak's a 2 sector only...omg!!! so fun!! everything was done quickly....haha...nothing to do on the flight..i was really tired...hated morning flights that much...

same thing happened again...wanted to have something to eat...but then, i couldn't...still feel like vomiting...sigh...tummy wasn't feeling very good giddy spells has been back again...this time, it's so much worse...when i'm seated, it should be better but then it didn' times, i have head will spin non-stop...sigh...i don't know what's happening to me...i told daph about it...she suggested me to go to the doctor's to check it i found out something...*it's not red, it's brown* sigh....why?? i'm really scared of what's going to happen to's as if i got weaker each passing day...i don't want my mum to worry...even though i let her know, what's the use...all she will do is to nag...about me anyhow eating my food, blah blah blah...i still remembered the other time when i had gastric, he accompanied me to the doctor's, i was really scared...scared it might not be what i want to in something that will cause me to lie in hospital for days due to the massive pain i had...he told his mum about it, i won't forget what she did...she fed me with that "thai" medicine which helps really she passed me ointment & asked me to rub it on my tummy...what about my mum?? all she said was: why waste money when you have the other medications at home?? that was when she saw the medicine i got from the doctor's....she didn't even asked what happened & stuff...sigh...was so hurt...

what will it be this time...going to the doctor's alone??? i don't think i can do it giddy spells has been very bad these days...thank god that i didn't faint while would be terrible...while on ground, my giddy spells are back, while on air, i felt's been days since i last ate properly...when i was recovering from that incident, i was fine le after 3 weeks...lately last week, it came back...i didn't have the appetite to eat....i know myself very well, i can eat like a pig!!! i'm serious!!! but now, when i'm served with food, i can just eat a few mouth spoon & i'm full...sigh...colleauges all saw & asked what happened?? they were SHOCKED!! even daph...saw fifi just now...she took over our aircraft plus we had to do FULL AIC cuz' someone's onboard...but it's ok, it's his style....hmm...then fifi commented something...

fifi: mel, you look different!!!
me: of cuz' la!! i cut my hair what, duh!!!
fifi: no mel, different as in not your hair la, it's you!!!

we didn't have time to i went off...all i knew was she kept looking at me from like head to toe...something's like wrong...daph also said, your make up so light...don't need remove la...(that time wanted to remove ma...i got this habit...) seriously, i put on my makeup like how i used to what..the norm, what does she meant by my make up so light?? sigh...i really don't know lor...whether to go to the hospital straight so that when i'm at the doctor's, if they were to refer me to the hospital, at least i won't waste my trip la...but then again, going anywhere to these places ALONE??? sigh...i don't know...

i know, i can't depend on that particular person but it's ok..i'm not saying i'm going to let him know or whatever...he has his life & i don't want to be disturbing him...anyways, it's none of his business already...

sigh, what to do....i don't know why...i have enough sleep but then, i feel lethargic everytime...why is this so...what's happening to me?? i'm having my meals...but just that sometimes, i eat much's not as if i don't eat right?? sigh...


went home with daph...know what?? when we came out from the toilet, i realised something!!! we're like sisters that just came back from bangkok lols...know what?? it's a pity i forgotten to take my camera out & take it!!! daph was wearing a white top with black shorts, i was wearing the opposite!!! lols...the black-white clan!!! haha...went to hanis to get peach tart!! my favourite!! while daph got her blueberry cheesecake!! wa, these few days, she eat a lot lei...wait for the bus to come lor...then proceed to take the train at t2...while on the way home, learnt something from her...sorry gal, made you lecture me...but then, i appreciated that she did it...her advices are really good...thanks a lot!!! owe you a treat & showing you around bangkok *promise!!!* while at don't know which stop, someone just smsed me..thought it was who cuz' it was an unknown number...inside me was thinking, wth!!! that time got 1 diao person send me christmas greetings without any name when asked who was he/she, didn't reply...wth...diao right??? then now another one...opened & read...the sms said turn to your right..i was like..........wth...what's this person trying to do...mysterious guy ah??? but obviously i know he's on the train la...duh!!! then look around, there isn't anyone in sight that i knew of...then ah ha, i saw was alan aka waikin..xfactor de...wave to him lor...daph asked me why i never go over to say hi, i said, i wave to him liao ma...haha...then can't be go p.s her what...continued our talk lor...

alighted at je she came out, i was like, why are you out...she said, i'm going to imm what...what are you thinking...lols...i thought she going home...sorry la, i got STM!!! plus i wasn't feeling very good le...luckily i got her to accompany me throughout the trip...else, i don't know what will happen man...went to yew tee to do threading...went there yesterday, so confident lei..when i got there, diao, shop then it was too late...i only remembered shit, it's christmas that's why it's not opened!!! lols...wasted trip...went to ntuc buy some biscuits lor...that was yesterday...haha...but today, i really did threading!!! wa, it was so much better than gombak de...although the shape wasn't what i wanted la..but overall still acceptable...the service was damn good!!! offered to apply lotion on your brows once you're done...=D next time i'll go there le...reached home, first thing i heard was go sweep the floor!!! hello, i just came back, can't you see?? heck lor...rested awhile then go bathe...nua lor...then had dinner, watched tv & here i am...watching the 9pm show to keep myself occupied with things...i must make myself extremely busy man!!! i shall become a busy's raining!! & the rain reminds me of something...hmm...cuz' i don't close windows when it rains...only...hmm...ya...everything will link...i just don't know why...i'll try not to habour those thoughts...i'm trying here alright!!! yeah, i can do it...

to myself
when you fall, don't give up..instead take your time to get yourself up & start again...people would not laugh at you for you had the courage to step out & make the first is not about floating on the sea...the more you float, the further you drift...think of ways to get ashore...not to continue floating...even if you had failed, at least you know that you did tried, it's just that the method doesn't work...
STOP crying...crying won't resolve can cry but promise to cry just to let it all out & then stop...move on, get ahead in life...remember the CREED TO LIVE BY?? that small poster you bought at mustafa after the by that...don't stumble!!! you can do it melissa!!! jiayou!!!

p.s: it seems that there are more people coming to my blog but then, my tagboard is just so chat with me la...


merry christmas
Thursday, December 25, 2008, 6:39:00 PM

i supposed everyone has enjoyed their christmas? not for me..i kept thinking about the date...about the happy memories we had...once in awhile, when i thought about this, it's alright but not too often...i was REALLY happy was working together with my batch girls AGAIN!!! doing 102, bangkok flight!!! it is really a coincidence for me to work with another of my batch girls!!! haha...twice in a row man!!! how lucky can it be =D

val was so sweet...she got eclair for everyone!!! i didn't have time to buy anything yesterday...seriously, there's like no food...only a packet of part, i didn't even eat it lor...daph was so sweet to have given me peanut butter bread =D she said she has never ever done this for herself!!! thanks girl!!! you really are sweet!!! *hugs & kisses to my darlings!!!* i did sms val & asked her to bring cup noodles for me cuz' i didn't bought any food, smsed daph last night to ask her to bring but she didn't keep spares so she told me to get it the next day...ended up when i came into the briefing, they both passed me's really so sweet of them to have cared for i didn't realise that i've not been working for 8 days man!!! omg!!!'s like a short holiday!!! haha...aircraft came in late..we're all late coming back...rushed really like hell...the cleaners were like there liao pro man..when we were down waiting for aircraft, we were thinking, the cleaners sure gonna rush like mad man!!! lols...after the last passenger disembarked (from chennai, india flight lols) we quickly rushed up...i counted & set my cart...told val to count later...we were all in a rush but managed it all so well...haha...of course la, all seniors, machiam galley stewardess sia we all...very fast all done!!! then BOARDING!!! man...loved the team's been so long since i last felt like they were my darlings!!!! they were mocking about my annoucement..haha...had lotsa fun la...after service & all, we rest ma...val couldn't take it ler, she went to eat ler..i made my cereal, drank a little...felt nauseous...sigh...i just can't eat....really didn't had anything through the first sector...wasn't hungry..sigh..just felt like vomiting...don't know why...talked talked lor...landed ler we quickly do AIC damn fast lor...haha...done then BOARDING liao haha...really damn fast!! so happy...after that don't care liao landed we went to eat at BT...kopitiam...haha...ate ler went off lo...val have to go first cuz' her bf came le...left daph & me..she really eat a lot lor...bought oreo cheesecake omg!!! only like ate a small bite hee...then we left le..haha...took train to tampines cuz' tanah merah so many people man!!! daph suspects they're from church...haha...

ended up met zerlina's friend...she was coming in the train...haha...daph saw her & said omg, she's so young...then i was like...she looks familiar..haha...she gave birth ler...her baby boy damn cute la...when he sneeze...talked about how life has changed when her precious boy came into the world...she said, nothing is more important than him...i tried holding onto him...didn't know the correct way...daph taught me how...seeing how they fed the baby milk was really hard...daph said, she finally understands how her mother felt when her mother feeds her milk...sigh...a newborn is really must treat it with utmost care...the bond, mother & child had is really can see how zerlina's friend treated her precious...

suddenly, this little thing made me realise something...people around us are really the past, all i did was to spend most of my time with him...i didn't know that i had neglected most of the people around i will channel all the time i have to people whom i once's just a few days more to 2009 i don't want to be like how i used to be...2009 would be the year i would be looking for a better future =D

jiayou melissa, you can do it!! don't be affected by what others know it best =D

below are the pictures i took with my DARLINGS!! they're always there for me...i really want to thank them =D


i've woken up!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 4:08:00 PM
after so much thoughts just now,

i think it's better this way cuz' i didn't know what i wanted...perhaps this was what i really wanted...maybe after doing this, he is really able to do what he wants...he really is free...has his own freedom better than then...i knew that when i started out that conversation, allowing him to hear, it's going to cost me something more...i'm going to hurt myself even more...but do i deserve this...i just wanted to do it so that he can know more friends freely...people think i'm stupid, i'm they want to think, i can't stop it...this is how i felt...this is my blog...this is my space for venting on...cuz' i have nobody to turn to...

now that this is really over, whether i think too much or not, it doesn't really matter...we really are going to lead our own lives without each other in our minds...i knew the day will arrive...yesterday was the day...perhaps i really wanted this outcome knowing that it's going to cost the chance of getting back together...this way, he can really do what he wants long as he's happy, it's alright...seeing him tell me about what had happened that sun, i can tell that he's really happy...he has never been so happy before...after today, there's no more "he, him, anything to do with him" in my sentence...i must think of the "me, i, myself, all about me" settle myself & finding myself before caring about more sheilding him, no more speaking up for him & no more excuses of him...

melissa, it's now time, you already know this will happen, you expected the outcome...go for it since you want it this way...whether he wants to ignore you, just don't bother...if he really wants you, he would've came now, all you do now is to care about yourself...nothing but you & yourself!!! it's time to wake up & stop all the nonsense & stop putting him in your life for yourself, not him...just take it that he hates you to the core now so that you can really ignore all this...just keep yourself distracted...find things to do....YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!! this is the last chance for more empty promises you kept the last time when you promised that you can do it...these are just words that you said but make sure you will do it...cheer up girl, there are so much things for you to do out there...this is the break you need...jiayou girl!!!!


, 10:09:00 AM
i am so stupid myself...i ruined a wonderful future ahead...i did something i shouldn't have...that conversation i had with her....sigh...perhaps i really meant for him to hear it cuz' it's how i wanted to end it...i really don't know what i wanted...i screwed everything up...but what puzzled me was why did he flared up? he said i went to check on tell you the truth, when i was at his place, i didn't even touched anything which i'm not supposed to...i didn't check your handphone & i didn't check your labtop...that time, your other msn account, i really saw it while you log in...i really happened to see, if i really had the time to look, then please, go check your history...the days i came over, go check it & see whether i've checked on you...that's evidence...i know, no mater how much i say, nobody believes fact, i made everyone hate me...

perhaps his friends now, all feels that i'm just no different from ys's be it...

i just don't understand this fact...even though you knew a girl so be it, i'm not jealous...that time when i found out, i really wasn't jealous at all...last sun, when we went out, i knew you went out with her...cuz' suddnely your mood started to didn't even feel like talking to me...cuz' your day with her was really fun....seriously, i'm glad that you're really were not that happy while with me...of course, i would want you to be happy...i really am not jealous or have the kind of thinking that the girl was a bitch or anything...i am in no position you see...but then why? you said you're afraid that you'll hurt my feelings...seriously, i won't be...i have to be prepared what even though on the contray, you appear to show me affection & stuff...if it were me in the past, i will lor....but not now...we're all grown what i say, no matter what i say now can change the fact that everything is over...sigh...i am really a failure...even he tagged & said that...i am a stalker...sigh...

yesterday, i wasn't in the mood cuz' i was thinking real hard...what do you take me for?? here you are so nice & lovey, the next moment like that...that made me not in the mood yesterday...& that made me wanted to say out so loudly about the conversation...which led to what happened now...i wanted to kept quiet about it de...but then...sigh i really couldn't take it...cuz' i don't want to be treated like a spare one...when you get touchy & stuff...sigh...i felt i'm being used just for that...that led me to this disaster...but then again, can i blame anyone?? NO!! but me alone....i caused it & caused so many people to hate me...sigh...

whatever it is, perhaps i have learnt my lesson now...or should i say the god wanted this to happen that was why i did all these...wanted you to hate me & it all came true...



, 12:05:00 AM
yes, finally, i made him hate me...sigh...was walking back dizzy spells came back again...nobody cares...i'm crazy..i love stalking people....i am good at that...people, beware...

i really didn't check your labtop while you were bathing..i really didn' i know about all that doesn't really matter for now, i really made you hate me...i screwed my chance of being back together with him..what can i say, serves me right!!! blame nobody...blame yourself...people feel that you're so over shouldn't be doing this...he's hiding it all cuz' he said that he cared about my feelings...seriously, i'm not really hurt but just a little disappointed that you didn't tell me...had you told me perhaps none of these will happen...but then again, i must blame's all my fault...

i caused him to hurt his sister's was all a misunderstanding..he thought his sister told me something i shouldn't know...just hope things will patch up...i must have made his family hate me...sigh...all my fault matter how many apologies, everything is just ruined!!! you really hate me to the core...i know it too well...with your character, this is really too much...i deserve it...i finally made you hate me...even when he quarrelled, he still sided me...i know he really cared about me that was why he still protected me...but now, it's over...all over....too late for everything...i got the best actress award...just like how he go the best actor award years ago...perhaps this is how i wanted it to end subcontiously ba...i didn't know it turned out like that..the chance that we will get back together is GONE FOREVER....melissa, you can forget about're not the important person in his fact, you're out of his life's ok...maybe this is a lesson that god did to me so that i can learn from it the hard way...perhaps if this doesn't happen, my ways will still continue & i will never grow up...perhaps i set myself lots of loopholes for him & allow his friends to know about this...that's how it all ended today...serve you right melissa...this is just your desserts...

i really don't blame fact it all started cuz' of me...i just hope that your bond with your family is still as good...i'm sorry...

i knew something which you didn't know...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 12:25:00 AM
will update tomorrow...quite disappointed but then...nevermind...i knew something...who you went out's ok...haha...about something...that "drink" you bought..wasn't for your was for someone else...haha...well...nevermind...still send me all those...hmm...nevermind...the movie you watched...sigh...i thought i could catch it with you, but someone beat me to watch with someone...haha...nevermind...


at a loss to what to do...
Sunday, December 21, 2008, 9:53:00 PM
went to meet karine to pass me the uniform...omg!!! my uniform was blown away....i had forgotten that recently, the wind is really nice of her...then we chatted for awhile...she accompanied me to the library to look for books...picked so many but then finally narrowed down to 2 books which are really useful...then went off liao...when at home, started to revise...wa, i realised again that the book too old liao...then all the content inside were all outdated...wanted to do notes de but the chapters were all around..didn't know where to start...nevermind lor...wrote on my book instead lols...then read up a bit...had dinner..about 830pm, went to take a nap to rest my brain...lols...then now here i am just want to blog a little...will be continuing my revision...if he doesn't want me to come over to stay, then i think i should just ignore & go to sleep early as my exams are tomorrow...till now, he hasn't replied...well, that's cuz' i didn't ask him about it...well, it's ok...if by the time i finished my revision, i don't think i'll bother...just sleep at home lor...haha...

studied really up the book i borrowed from the library....then i didn't realise that the things inside are far too detailed le...just kept reading & trying to understand what it was then i realised that it wasn't what i supposed to study lols...stopped of course...then went to meet town...i was late...haha...cuz' i didn't look at the time...met at p.s...accompany him to look for his stuff...went to have lunch at kopitiam then we head off to centrepoint...went to nua there while waiting for sean to finish charging his cell before meeting us...then to heeren...was at the levis store...told him that the buttoned shirt really looks lor...haah...then sean arrived...bought the shirt & went to cine...wanted to catch a movie but the tickets were selling fast so we didn't watch lor...then head off to gloria jeans cafe to chill...after a day of accompanyment...was really tired...then went to far east...had my haircut...i didn't know why i wanted to cut my hair...i really shouldn't sucks!!! they said it's nice...they went to taka to look for his sister's present & he bought some stuff...then met me back when i finished my haircut...head to sean's place to get his car...huey was really cute...omg!!! i suddenly am not afraid of dogs!!! haha...but that's cuz' huey didn't bark!!! then we head off to his place...put his stuff & nua-ed there...while waiting for weiwen to end work...drove to imm pick him up then to east coast where we had seafood...haha..the same place...was really cheap for just 4 of us...then went to marina's the name again...took a few pictures...not bad...haha...very windy there lor...felt so cold...then went to catch people.....haha...then went home ler...chatted with him for awhile then doze off ler...

he said he was looking forward to meeting me...just can't wait...i was like ok...then ate at his place...he bathed liao, did his fashion show...then wait for sean to come...drove us to bedok to eat lols...wanted to stay over but then, the next day he needs to do some prayers & had to wake up early so i never stay the next morning need to do ya....never lor...

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Friday, December 19, 2008, 11:30:00 AM
went to jp with sean...he wanted to go there to take a look ma...i accompanied him!! wa, revamped till like that big, so many shops!!! next time i know where to go liao haha...then we went to the library...need to look for books...& need to study ma...i was too engrossed in finding the books till i didn't have the time to study as sean need to leave at 515..haha...then head to his army friends gathering for dinner at east coast...accompany him lor....since i also had nothing to do...haha...met 2 of his friends at yew tee, davin & sicong..took train down ma...met up with his other camp mates at bedok station...4 of us walked there, the rest took car...

met his other 3 friends, melvin, seto & i really forgot the other haha...melvin really ang moh type english!!! but i's been a long time since i last used perfect english when i speak to friends...haha...talked about my job blah blah...then about their camp stuff...some hilarious stuff lols...we joked about everything la...they're a bunch of lamers..haha...seto went to order food...when food arrived, i was so famished!!! had 2 bowls of rice...omg!! even sean was like, you sure anot?? of course i am...just that maybe had the appetite to eat ba...haha...there's veggies, la-la (somewhat of a small clam), da tou ( big head, mussels too), sting ray fish, promfet, omelette, chot chot (i have no idea how to eat this & i don't dare!!) 

seto was having a hard time eating that...melvin was saying, it's good for practice...the other guy said, you need this for tutorials lols...seto really had too much air in his stomach cuz' he can't finish his rice le...lols...we were all laughing at how bad or how good they were in sucking lols..a bad sucker..needs more practice...haha...but we were too ambitious as to try that haha...cuz' we don't know how to eat that haha...then ended up the whole plate was wasted...haha...i only tried the la-la...the rest of the seafood, nah...i'm not a seafood person lols...

melvin was so nice to give us a ride to town...afterwhich we took 190 back home...sean, davin & me...

he smsed me about that...haha...hmm...when i reached home, i called him immediately...clarified myself...told him about the phoebia..not that i don't want to get back...

sigh, till now, i'm still thinking about it...whether to give him a chance...of course i wish to start all over again...but guys what, they always have the mentality...once they got hold of something, everything is back to the same...sigh...some said it's not always true...what should i do..

next year's 21st birthday is going to be bored!! my mother actually told me to celebrate it with my's the same when it comes to my birthday almost every year!! i got sick & tired of it's alright...nobody bothers to celebrate it with really sucks having to celebrate your own birthday all by yourself!!! what kind of parents do i have that doesn't even plan for their daughter's 21st???? sigh...


a busy day...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:43:00 PM
i came back yesterday at about quite late...waiting for edward ma...then last to go back =( but nevermind lols...had lotsa fun with my batch mates!!! my DARLINGS!!!'s been a long time since i last flew with them =) i was so happy...

my darling heyzel & me =D

captain barend botha & my DARLINGS!!!

my darlings who's been through thick & thin with me =)

the whole set of crew =D

it's all heyzel's idea!!!!

debbie's cheery was the best lols!!!

was closing my cart halfway lor...heyzel!!!

i have no idea what she wants!! she just love to kiss lols...

heyzel, what are you doing??

alright, enough of all the pictures lols...
was so pissed when i received the sms from zhenyi saying that we didn't have to go to school tomorrow...but then again, what about our assignment?? we need to go to school for discussion lei...last minute then tell us like that...what the hell la...trying to shrink her responsibility?? cuz' stanley has told us on mon that zhenyi will be going throught the revision on wed...and we will have to come for presentation...and then all these has to happen...omg!!! i slept at like 3am this morning la...thought no school ma...took my own sweet time do everything slowly...then hidayat (bf) he said better go school & do it cuz' later stanley never give marks how i listened to bf...i told him why ma?? cuz' we stay very far lei...must travel all the way to kallang then do 1 presentation then go say if we don't mind losing marks for presentation then go ahead, take the risk lor...listen what bf say liao i quickly go sleep...before sleeping i smsed the girls...tell them about it...ended up my house printer got problem can't print..which is shit...thought of doing it in school...then on the way there, i saw there's a bookshop so go there to print out lor...must do a scan for virus...wth...waited lor...there's a threat...scan 1 virus $1 so i just pay la...wth...didn't know there's this kinda thing...but then after the whole thing ended & i paid, the uncle was so kind enough to send me there cuz' i told him i have to reach there at 11 ma...really so nice of him =D rushed there, saw daph...the rest were in the library...Su saw the assignment & found out that there's no cover page so we did it in the library..i tell you lor!!! the library sucks man!!! the computers there really cannot make it la!!! all don't know what windows what the...the very first kind...omg!!! think it's pentium 1 de slow & lag...can't even read my thumbdrive!!! haha...once done & we wanted to pass up that time, mindy told us don't need to rush as zhenyi said that stanley isn't in school today, he's on MC!!!

we were like WTF!!!! we woke up so early, rushed like hell, hadn't had breakfast wasted our time, some of us like me, didn't have enough sleep, had to come all the way to school only to find out that stanley's on MC!!! WTH la!!!! sigh...she should have told us earlier lor...diao....whatever la...ended up we all went back...mindy, Su & me went to bugis to eat lor...daph need to run some errands so didn't have lunch together...ended up i accompany mindy cuz' while we were eating at ljs, i msged sean ma...asked him whether want to come to bugis ask about the watch we got him...then he said ok..but i have to wait so i told him he reached le let me know was so nice of mindy to accompany to walk around bugis...then i saw this dress...really love it la..bought it after so much consideration...haah..that was when sean came le, i ask him accompany me to bugis street to look for it..haha...after that accompany him whole day la..i doing nothing if i go home also very sian la...didn't have the mood to do anything...he went to clementi find kenneth...i went home...

reached home, bathed, sleep!!!! till about evening about 6 plus, fifi called...disrupted my sleep lols..but nevermind la...she called to ask about "it" so ya told her & everything...then her phone died on her lols...till now also never call bad right she lols...but nevermind la...then went to have dinner...didn't eat much...not much of any appetite...sigh..then suddenly he called...i answered...was having dinner..he asked me what i was doing i said nothing la...asked whether i received his message anot...i said got meh?? wait ah i go check...he did send one la but i didn't see..i said sorry as i was eating...he said it's ok...then he started on like so emo...i smelt something's amiss...all thanks to SOMEONE la!!! so irritating...everything also update him...please la, i'm so HAPPY with my life now...don't you go ruin it!!!

i was so angry when he smsed me this: can you please stop going around to tell people we're together!!!

wtf!!! i didn't lor!! all thanks to that SOMEBODY la...what sia...irritating...i asked him..please ask mich to go check my blog again, ask her to read the contents inside before you say anything lor!!! was really angry & like somewhat raising my voice at him la...i was thinking, how can you just judge what a person say??? people ask you eat shit you go la!! wth...can you please go check around before maligning me??? you know how i felt ma??? how i treat you, you already know!! you knew it too well & i've already made myself so clear!!! so people who's reading this, please, don't act as if YOU know everything & create a story & tell him things that's not even stated in here...

omg man!!! pissed lor...words can spread like nobody's business!!! argh!!!


well, just hope that i won't get called up for tomorrow...i want to study!!! exams's next monday plus presentation...just hope i can pass la!!! good luck to all my friends too =D jiayou!!!
