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countdown: 9 more months
Twitter: Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Sunday, April 27, 2008, 6:04:00 PM
it's such a boring day today...had nothing to do...came back this morning...went out with D, sean & grace for supper...we went to downtown east to take a stroll...then we went into exploring the new cathay that has been opened..decided that there's nothing to watch so we went to t3....on the way back to the car..don't know what's happening to D..i know it's cuz' of his pay that his mood is being...but then, don't bring your anger or mood there la...i mean, grace & sean just got together then you need to spoil the atmosphere meh?? nevermind...i left him alone..didn't know what in the world happened cuz' he just began to turn a cold shoulder on me..we drifted apart when's like so weird there anybf who would not care about their gfs when walking...i don't mean as in those loving kind but then, holding of hands, just be right beside them, so difficult meh?? sigh...i just don't understand what's so difficult...

i mentioned about them so loving la...also very cute being together which kind of reminded how we got together...knew what he said?? he somewhat yawn...& like can't be bothered...i was hurt deeply lor...


i was also tired....already so tired & he said such things...wanted to enjoy the time together & this is how he treated me...i just SO don't understand him...BE LOVING A LITTLE HURTS SO MUCH IS IT?? just show more care & concern cannot is it?? then tell me, ARE YOU ACTUALLY MY BOYFRIEND???

to me, i think i acted more like a bf than a gf...always there to care for him...his problems, his everything but ended up getting scolded for no fucking reason...i even went down to look for him after my flight...didn't want to have dinner first as i'm afraid of letting him wait...all i wanted was to have supper & maybe he can tell me what happened during his work or something...but i got rejected straight he telling me that he didn't ask me to was ME who was the one being so willingly to go all the way there to look for him when he didn't even wanted...of course i don't want to call him & let him know cuz' if i'd let you know, would you even want me to come down to look for you???

you said about going to NS soon...said that we'll even have lesser time to meet..even said that we'll miss each other even more...THEN WHY?? WHY DO YOU NOT TRY TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH ME...all you can think of is to go to your place...what i can do is to see you yea, you may tell me that i can go ahead doing my stuff...but you know the reason why i don't want to be at home right?? then why force me to do things that i don't want to do?? sigh...i won't forget how you tried means & ways to woo me...when you've gotten me, you promised that you'll be loving & cherish me.....YOU PROMISED!! i kept that sms you've sent me...but did you?? it's all empty promises that you're making!!! always been the case..sigh...

tell me now...what should i do?? can someone please enlighten me??

i felt so touched when sean said this...this was what happened when i was on the phone with grace just now...

grace was waiting for sean to end work..then when sean ended, grace asked him whether he could send me songs cuz' apparently, yesterday when we were in his car, he got a hell lot of songs which were all so pleasant to my ears...i just love it...that's why i wanted it...
she passed the phone to sean...i was telling him la..then after that i said, okay la don't disturb you already...grace so good came down to wait for you end work leiz...sean said yea, she so sweet hor...i was like...even he said that lor...sigh..then my D leiz??? haiz...nevermind la...hopefully my D will understand one day....


, 3:42:00 PM

Monday, April 21, 2008, 9:45:00 PM

this is fun man!!! lol...haha..laugh till you drop lols!!!


Saturday, April 19, 2008, 5:28:00 PM
i know i've been neglecting my blog for many days ever since breakthrough...but then, i'm lazy to update...nothing interesting though..that's why..hee..

on 17th mar, had an emergency case...nothing really...just that a pax fainted while we're about to descend into SG...of all times, we had to do it while we're at the busiest..counting cash, closing of stocks, topping up of amenities...sigh..luckily it wasn't anything serious...we gave her the oxygen for a doctor or qualified nurse to help...ended up one came up followed by the other...luckily there wasn't any cpr to be given was a learning experience for least i know what to do when a situation like this happens again...all was fine...zahryn was the was really great teamwork...airwan assist them as i need to count the money while renny needs to close her stock...the galley was in a mess man...but i managed to clean it up...& everything was under control...we did was great teamwork man...hee...

went out with grace yesterday...was so bored & had nothing to do at home...haha...met sean & her at cck..then we're off to jurong point to catch a was definitely, maybe...was a nice show...the little girl was so's a romance movie la...sean dropped at je while we alighted at boon lay...hmm...we went to get the tickets first...then D was having his break...he said he's not eating as he didn't bring his wallet along..scolded him as he still had a long day...
went to kfc to get his meal..he decided to come so that we won't miss our show..hee..gave him that 10 bucks & let him buy what he wants..then we pop up to the snacks corner to get cheesy hotdogs & nachos combo...went in & the ads were very long...i felt like we waited for about 30mins before the show the show, we went to walk around the mall..nothing much..haha...went to toys-r-us i saw that tamagotchi...wanted to get it on an impulse...but after much consideration, i think i better not cuz' i knew that i'll play with it only for a few days then chuck it aside...haha...after that went to kfc to wait for D & sean...then we shifted to mac...chatted there about grace's story...hee...then sean came to have his meal there...waited for D to end his long lor...luckily we didn't miss the train back home...D send me back & then went home lor...nothing much though...

sian la..wake up late about 12 then went to do all the housework...had lunch & then watch this tv show, funky monkey...damn funny la..hee..i love the chimpanzee (: so cute & he has brains..he knows kung fu so don't play play that, i did nothing...meeting D awhile lor...later la..then go off...maybe go jp buy some cheap stuff for tomorrow at value shop ba..more cup noodles haha...just stock up lor so that next time don't need so rush to buy anything...yea..that's what i intend to do..after that go to his house i the show til 930 & maybe go home lor..coz' i need to wake up at 8am the next day...doing 936...


Sunday, April 13, 2008, 9:42:00 PM